Sarthak Ray

  • Male
  • 22 years
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra

Sarthak Ray

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Native Location

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Living Location

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Language known

Bengali, English, Hindi

Valid Passport


Passport Valid Till

January - 2025

About me

I'm a Composer, Musician, Engineer and Instrumentalist based in Mumbai. I run a Production Agency titled Hamsadhwani Productions, and I front my Hindustani Space Rock act, titled Project Hamsadhwani. I'm a loud and proud performer, and I enjoy jumping about, owning and exploring the stage, and interacting with the audience and my fellow musicians. I run a stark focus to serve the music, and my Composition and Playing are both heavily derived from the same principle.
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Question By Sarthak Ray

Answers By Sarthak Ray

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Written By Sarthak Ray

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Talent Bunch BY Sarthak Ray

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Sarthak Ray

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